
Concept of Vulnerability

Vulnerability is defined as the characteristics determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors or processes which increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or systems to the impacts of hazards.

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Vulnerability is one of the defining components of disaster risk.

Vulnerability is the human dimension of disasters and is the result of the range of economic, social, cultural, institutional, political and psychological factors that shape people’s lives and the environment that they live in (Twigg, 2004).

Vulnerability can be a challenging concept to understand because it tends to mean different things to different people and because it is often described using a variety of terms including

‘predisposition’, ‘fragility’, ‘weakness’, ‘deficiency’ or ‘lack of capacity’.

Some definitions of vulnerability have included exposure in addition to susceptibility to harm. However, it is now understood that exposure is separate to the ‘susceptibility’ element of vulnerability since it is possible to be exposed, whilst at the same time not susceptible to natural hazards.

Vulnerability analysis involves understanding the root causes or drivers of vulnerability, but also peoples capacities cope and recover from disasters


Concept of Exposure

Exposure is defined as the situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard-prone areas.

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Exposure is one of the defining components of disaster risk.


In October 2013 a Category 5 super typhoon (known as Lekima) hit the North West Pacific Ocean. Its winds reached peaks of around 240 kilometres per hour, but caused no impact on people or assets.

In November 2013 another Category 5 Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) hit the region, with winds peaking at 315 kilometres per hour. Haiyan affected 11 million people, causing more than 6000 casualties and the loss of more than 1.5 billion US dollars.

Typhoon Lekima- No Exposure

Typhoon Haiyan- Great Exposure

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What drives exposure?

People and economic assets become concentrated in areas exposed to hazards through processes such as population growth, migration, urbanization and economic development (UNISDR, 2009b). Previous disasters can drive exposure by forcing people from their lands and to increasingly unsafe areas. Consequently, exposure changes over time and from place to place.


Following Fire Emergency and Evacuation Plans

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  1. Inform people in the immediate area to evacuate.
  2. Activate the nearest building fire alarm.
  3. Call 911 if safe to do so. Otherwise, evacuate the building and call 911 from outside the building.
  4. If the fire is small (wastebasket sized or smaller) and you have been trained to use a fire extinguisher, you may attempt to extinguish the fire. Make sure that you have a safe exit from the fire area and use the buddy system.
  5. To use a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS:
  6. Evacuate the building as soon as the alarm sounds and proceed to the designated evacuation meeting point.
  7. On your way out, warn others near by.
  8. Move away from fire and smoke. Close doors and windows if time permits.
  9. Touch closed doors; do not open them if they are hot.
  10. If doors are hot, place a wet cloth at the base to keep smoke from entering.
  11. Use stairs only. Do not use elevators.
  12. Move well away from the building and go to your designated meeting point.
  13. Do not re-enter the building or work area until you have been instructed to do so by the emergency responders.

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FACT #15:  It is estimated that over 95% of structural fires in Detroit are due to arson, which is fifty times the national average.


Basic Response Procedures to Fires

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Fire and Explosion

Quick Response: Protect Yourself

  • Fire: Everyone should evacuate to assembly area (See posted Evacuation Plan)
  • Explosion:
    1. Take cover.
    2. Assist the injured.
    3. Everyone should evacuate to assembly area (See posted Evacuation Plan)
  • Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits, and alarm systems in your area and know how to use them.
  • Operating a Fire Extinguisher:
    • Pull the pin.
    • Aim extinguisher hose at the base of fire.
    • Squeeze the lever.
    • Sweep from side to side.

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  • If You Are Trapped In A Building
    • If a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside a window as a marker for rescue crews.
    • If there is no window, stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location. Do not panic.
    • If the door is warm, do not open it. If smoke is entering through the cracks around the door, stuff something in the cracks to slow the flow.

Precautionary Measures and Proper Procedures for Fires

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Prevention is the first step when it comes to protecting yourself and your family from home fires. Smoke detectors and alarms are often the first line of defense, as these devices will alert your family to a fire so that you have time to escape safely. Families are also encouraged to develop escape routes, to discuss these routes with their children, and to run practice drills so that everyone knows what to do in the event of an actual fire.

Check your electrical appliances for frayed cords, and ensure that you make regular inspections. Space heaters are major hazards for home fires, so it is important to keep them out of walking paths and away from both pets and children.

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  • Get a fire alarm system – Installing an intelligent fire alarm system that can warn you immediately of a fire incident before it becomes too large is the first step in fire safety.
  • Install fire extinguishers and fire blankets – Everyone in the family who is capable of using fire extinguishers and fire blankets should familiarize themselves with how to operate them.
  • Practice safe cooking – Never leave a cooker unattended, especially if you are deep frying using a cook-top cooking range. If a grease fire occurs, simply cover the pan or pot with a metal pan lid or a cookie sheet to deprive the fire of oxygen.
  • Keep watch on the fireplace – The chimney and the fireplace can potentially cause a fire if you don’t use a spark guard.
  • Teach children about fire safety – Prevent juvenile firesetting by teaching your children safety rules regarding matches, candles, lighters, electric outlets, and heat or flame-producing appliances.
  • Don’t leave cigarettes lit – If you are a smoker, make sure that you put out the cigarettes before leaving them behind.
  • Appliances and power sources – Treat heat-producing appliances like stoves, portable heaters, clothes dryers, ovens, and grills with care. Regularly check electrical leads, outlets, and other power equipment for any signs of damage, and remember never to overload them.
  • Set fire drills – All family members should be educated about what to do in case a fire does occur. Memorize the emergency number for your fire department if 911 is not available in your community.
  • Stop, drop, and roll – If ever your clothing catches on fire, you should stop, drop, and roll to extinguish the flames. While doing so, cover your face to prevent the likelihood of facial injuries.

FACT #14: In 2004, over 300 people died in a supermarket fire in Asunción, Paraguay because the owners shut the doors so that people wouldn’t leave without paying.


Causes of Fires

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1. Cooking Equipment

Pots and pans can overheat and cause a fire very easily if the person cooking gets distracted and leaves cooking unattended.

2. Heating

Keep portable heaters at least one metre away from anything that could easily catch fire such as furniture, curtains, laundry, clothes and even yourself.

3. Smoking in bedrooms

Bedrooms are best to be kept off limits for smoking. A cigarette that is not put out properly can cause a flame, as the butt may stay alit for a few hours.

4. Electrical Equipment

An electrical appliance, such as a toaster can start a fire if it is faulty or has a frayed cord. A power point that is overloaded with double adapter plugs can cause a fire from an overuse of electricity.

5. Candles

Candles look and smell pretty, but if left unattended they can cause a room to easily burst into flames. Keep candles away from any obviously flammable items such as books and tissue boxes.

6. Curious Children

Kids can cause a fire out of curiosity, to see what would happen if they set fire to an object. Keep any matches or lighters out of reach of children, to avoid any curiosity turned disaster.

7. Faulty Wiring

Homes with inadequate wiring can cause fires from electrical hazards. Some signs to see if you’ve bad wiring are:

1) Lights dim if you use another appliance;

2) For an appliance to work, you have to disconnect another;

3) Fuses blow or trip the circuit frequently. Have a licenced electrician come and inspect you house, or contact your landlord if you have any of the above occurrences.

8. Barbeques

Barbeques are great for an outdoor meal, but should always be used away from the home, tablecloths or any plants and tree branches. Keep BBQs regularly maintained and cleaned with soapy water and clean any removable parts.

9. Flammable Liquids

If you have any flammable liquids in the home or garage such as petrol, kerosene or methylated spirits, keep them away from heat sources and check the label before storing. Be careful when pouring these liquids.

10. Lighting

Lamp shades and light fittings can build up heat if they are very close to light globes. Check around the house to make sure. Lamp bases can become a hazard if they are able to be knocked over easily, and so should be removed if they are.

Here’s a chart about the Leading Causes of Home Structure Fire from 2009-2013

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Fire Triangle

Oxygen, heat, and fuel are frequently referred to as the “fire triangle.” Add in the fourth element, the chemical reaction, and you actually have a fire “tetrahedron.” The important thing to remember is: take any of these four things away, and you will not have a fire or the fire will be extinguished.

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In order to understand how fire extinguishers work, you first need to know a little bit about fire.

Four things must be present at the same time in order to produce fire:

bullet2.gif (950 bytes)Enough oxygen to sustain combustion,
bullet2.gif (950 bytes)Enough heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature,
bullet2.gif (950 bytes)Some sort of fuel or combustible material, and
bullet2.gif (950 bytes)The chemical, exothermic reaction that is fire.

Classification of Fire

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Let me introduce to you the 3 P’s that will keep you in peace!

Prevention– control measure to reduce the risk of fire.

Protection– aims to  prevent the spread of fire and smoke which may include the resistant materials.

Precaution– taken to minimize the risk to people in the vent of a fire occurring.

Learn about Fire Extinguishers

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Since there is a good chance a person will encounter at least one fire in their lifetime, it is important a person is properly trained in how to use a Fire Extinguisher. Though fire extinguishers come with directions, these can often be difficult to follow when one is faced with a roaring fire they need to get under control as quickly as possible. If a fire extinguisher is not used properly, it could be ineffective in extinguishing a fire and could even cause injuries. Many people make the wise decision to go through training on how to use a Fire Extinguisher so they are fully prepared to know how to carry out the necessary steps to extinguish all types of fires.

Make use of this equipment properly for safety purposes (not to mention, it’s too expensive)

Whenever engaged in a situation, take note of the PASS!

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FACT #13: No one knows who invented the fire hydrant, because its patent was destroyed in a fire


Signs of Hydrometeorological Hazards

Typhoon Signs

⚠ Increased ocean swell

⚠ Barometric pressure drop

⚠ Wind speed

⚠ Heavier rainfall

Thunderstorm Signs

⚠ Cloud formations

⚠ Darkening sky

⚠ Lightning wind

⚠ Wind

Flashflood / Flood Signs

⚠ Continuous storms, typhoons, and rain

⚠ Distant thunder

⚠ Rapidly rising water

⚠ Muddy water

⚠ Water carries debris

Storm-surge Signs

⚠ Cumulu-nimbus clouds

⚠ Darker sky

⚠ Low pressure

⚠ Strong winds

⚠ Rising of water

El Niño Signs

⚠ Hot weather

⚠ High pressure

⚠ Change in temperature

⚠ Gradually drying of land