
Physical Vulnerability

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Physical Vulnerability may be determined by aspects such as population density levels, remoteness of a settlement, the site, design and materials used for critical infrastructure and for housing (UNISDR).

The physical vulnerability of an area also depends on its geographic proximity to the source and origin of the disasters.

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If an area lies near the coast lines, fault lines, unstable hills etc. it makes the area more vulnerable to disasters as compared to an area that is far away from the origin of the disaster.

Physical vulnerability includes the

  • difficulty in access to water resources,
  • means of communications
  • hospitals
  • police stations
  • fire brigades
  • roads
  • bridges
  • exits of a building or/an area, in case of disasters.

Image result for building construction

Furthermore, the lack of proper planning and implementation in construction of residential and commercial buildings results in buildings that are weaker and vulnerable in earthquakes, floods, landslides and other hazards.

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